
Catalogue of works and discography :

Catalogue_EN Catalogue_FR
Discography_EN Discographie_FR


A Selection of collaborative projects :

2024 : Horizons, composed and interpreted by Todor Todoroff and Sigrid Vandenbogaerde

2022 : L’oeil, l’oreille et le lieu, choreography by Michèle Noiret with original music by Todor Todoroff

2020 : M3TAMORPH, music by Todor Todoroff, video by Alexander Derben

2019 : Le Chant des Ruines, choreography by Michèle Noiret with original music by Todor Todoroff

2015 : Radioscopies, choreography by Michèle Noiret with original music by Todor Todoroff

2014 : PendulA, by Todor Todoroff with video by Humatic

2013 : Hors-Champ, choreography by Michèle Noiret with original music by Todor Todoroff

2012 : eVanescens, by Todor Todoroff, Laura Colmenares Guerra & Sigrid Vandenbogaerde

2010 : Demain, choreography by Michèle Noiret with original music by Todor Todoroff

2008 : Lungs [the breather], by Laura Colmenares Guerra & Todor Todoroff

2007 : Eclats Fluides, by Todor Todoroff & Fred Vaillant

2003 : Sait-on jamais?, choreography by Michèle Noiret with original music by Todor Todoroff

2000 : In Between, choreography by Michèle Noiret with original music by Todor Todoroff

A selection of music for film and video :

2022 : Again and again…, ultrashort movie in support of Ukrainians fighting the aggressor, by Lutz P. Kayser with music by Todor Todoroff (2022)

2020 : M3TAMORPH, Animation by Alexander Derben (Germany, 2020) on Dédales by Todor Todoroff (2008)

2017 : Participation, with the eVanescens project (Todor Todoroff, Laura Colmenares Guerra and Sigrid Vandebogaerde), to the movie Brussels Swings! A road movie of sounds, by Marie-Jo Lafontaine.

1995 : Jeux des Reflets et de la Vitesse, silent movie by Henri Chomette (France, 1925) with music by Todor Todoroff (1995)

1995 : Retour à la Raison / Back to Reason, silent movie by Man Ray (France, 1923) with music by Todor Todoroff (1995)